With Olivia, I was good about weekly updates and posts...now with baby two it's basically when I get a chance (or remember) #sorrybaby #secondchild oops ;)
How far along: 16 weeks
Gender Prediction: Girl...I've been feeling very similar to when I had Olivia so we'll see!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, still wearing my regular jeans and tops...although that may change soon as I'm starting to pop out a little
Cravings: Nothing too crazy... still loving grapefruit and anything shrimp related. Although I did start texting Rob at work around 8am yesterday to decide what he wanted for dinner...as if I was starving and would never eat again.
Aversions: I can't even look at/think about anything Asian based. The thought of lettuce wraps literally makes me gag. I can barely type the words! Random, I know but some of you have asked for my lettuce wrap recipe and I just can't even think about it. Also, anything with ginger, stir fry, literally anything like that I can't even stomach the thought.
Missing the most: Probably a good deli sandwich and some sushi... and sleep.
Sleep: I feel like I'm more sleep deprived than when Olivia was a newborn. I don't know what is wrong with me?!? I wake up for hours and hours at a time throughout the night and I'm up between 5 and 6 for the day, which makes for a loooong day with a toddler!
Overall health: Overall, feeling pretty good. I've had a sore throat that will hopefully be on it's way out soon and very tired, but feeling much better than first trimester.
So excited to share our gender news with you soon! Be sure to follow along with me on Instagram (@thebirdsnestblog) for all of the updates! XO