Showing posts with label chalkboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chalkboard. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2015

16 Weeks - Baby Update

Today marks 16 weeks with baby number two.  Tomorrow we're headed to the doctor to check the baby's growth and we'll be able to see if the baby is a boy or girl.  Normally, they would wait until 20 weeks for another ultrasound, but since the baby was measuring ahead of schedule they are checking to see growth progression and if my due date is accurate.  I'm SO excited!  Instead of finding out at the appointment, I'll be asking them to write it down and seal it in an envelope.  Then the big gender reveal plans will get started!  I'm thrilled that Freshly Picked will be doing our gender reveal for us and they'll know what it is before we do!  We'll be having a small get together mid-week next week to reveal blue or pink moccs...super excited!  Can't wait to share with all of you!

With Olivia, I was good about weekly updates and with baby two it's basically when I get a chance (or remember) #sorrybaby #secondchild oops ;)

How far along:  16 weeks

Gender Prediction: Girl...I've been feeling very similar to when I had Olivia so we'll see!

Maternity Clothes:  Not yet, still wearing my regular jeans and tops...although that may change soon as I'm starting to pop out a little

Cravings:  Nothing too crazy... still loving grapefruit and anything shrimp related.  Although I did start texting Rob at work around 8am yesterday to decide what he wanted for if I was starving and would never eat again. 

Aversions:  I can't even look at/think about anything Asian based.  The thought of lettuce wraps literally makes me gag.  I can barely type the words! Random, I know but some of you have asked for my lettuce wrap recipe and I just can't even think about it.  Also, anything with ginger, stir fry, literally anything like that I can't even stomach the thought.  

Missing the most:  Probably a good deli sandwich and some sushi... and sleep.

Sleep:  I feel like I'm more sleep deprived than when Olivia was a newborn.  I don't know what is wrong with me?!? I wake up for hours and hours at a time throughout the night and I'm up between 5 and 6 for the day, which makes for a loooong day with a toddler!

Overall health:  Overall, feeling pretty good.  I've had a sore throat that will hopefully be on it's way out soon and very tired, but feeling much better than first trimester.  

So excited to share our gender news with you soon!  Be sure to follow along with me on Instagram (@thebirdsnestblog) for all of the updates! XO 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

35, 36, 37, & 38 weeks - Baby Bird Bump

{Weeks 35, 36, 37, & 38}

{Reallllllly hoping baby comes this week!}

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby Bird {30, 31, 32, 33, & 34 Weeks!}

Apparently I can't keep up with my weekly updates...whoops.  I read all of my favorite blogs almost daily and I always think about posting my updates and then life gets in the way and before I know it, another week has gone by.  I thought the best way to share would be via Instagram.  Here's some life lately pics for a little glimpse into what's been going on around the Bird's Nest...

*This post is filled with pics...sometimes it's just nice for a little picture walk through daily life.  Tutorials will be posted throughout the next week or two for:  DIY baby headbands, DIY baby mobile, and DIY nursery tree mural*

Let's begin...

We decided to update our bedroom and hallway closets with brand new doors and closet systems.  So exciting!  This was our before...


And after...ahh b-e-a-u-tiful & organized!

My hubby's honey-do list is about a mile long and he's been a trooper through it all!  My little pregnant mind is always spinning with updates and projects for us  him to do:)  The other night I needed (NEEDED) a wall command I just suggested that we hang the dry erase board and mail organizers I picked up from Home Goods.  I think my hubby caught on after I simply said...hmmm it would be so nice if it could just get done so we can check it off the list...around 10 minutes later it was done and I felt calmed:)

The dry erase calendar has really been working for us (well, me, who am I kidding that he actually looks at it!) I write down all of our bills, work schedule, important dates, etc...below is an example of how it's started each month...

30 weeks with Baby Bird!

Sweet flowers from my hubby...

Our baby headband model adorable is she?!  I had a DIY baby headband get together with my sister, Kristen, and friend, Julia, and we made the cutest baby headbands!!  Tutorial to come...

I can't stand the cuteness...

On to 31 weeks...

Some outtakes for you... this was after my mom was taking my picture super close and I eventually said "just stand back and I'll crop myself..."  Yeah say that in your head and realize what it sounds like...:)

Nursery sneak peek: Baby's dresser/changing table all put together...

 Daddy & Grandpa putting dresser together for the baby's nursery...

She's so cute when she's sleeping... when she's sleeping is the main point ;)

Annabelle found her new spot to relax...

32 weeks...Happy St. Patrick's Day...blessing for the baby this week...

Like you don't have birthday parties for your animal babies...

33 weeks...Happy Spring!

Love her mobile!  Tutorial coming soon for DIY baby mobile...

Loving her mural!  My friend Leslie and I painted this in her bedroom...  Leslie is so talented & I love how it came out!!!

Current state of our bathroom because I'm crazy and needed the bathroom done before the baby arrives!!! I can't wait to see how it's going to turn out and I'm so excited!  Our friend Tom is renovating everything and he had such great ideas...can't wait until it's done...

And finally...34 weeks!

Told you it was a long one...hope you enjoyed this glimpse into life lately!  Be back with tutorials soon!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Baby Bird - 26, 27, 28, 29 Weeks {Picture Walk}


This post is not one my normal updates as it's been 4 weeks since my last post! Slacker!!  I thought it might be nice to let you see a little glimpse of my everyday life as well as my bump update pictures:)

{26 Weeks}

{27 Weeks}

{28 Weeks}

{29 Weeks}

{My sister's gender reveal cupcake}

{Cinnamon Roll Baking Day via Pinterest!}

{Glucose Test time...passed!}

{Annabelle caught in the act!!}

{Baby Bird is having a baby girl cousin!!}

{Valentine's Day}

Can't believe there's only a little over 10 weeks left until Baby Bird makes her debut! Hope you enjoyed a little glimpse of my life lately:)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Baby Bird - 25 Weeks

Scenario of last night: It's 2 a.m. and I have yet to sleep more than 20 minutes at a time...I am contemplating going downstairs to get some milk and a piece of bread to soak up my horrendous stomach acid which is unbearable at this point...hmmm...risk waking up the puppy or die from heartburn?  I chose to wake up my hubby and have him tiptoe downstairs to get my snacks and crossed my fingers the puppy would not wake up.  Thankfully, she did not wake up and there I sat with my glass of milk and piece of rye bread hoping this would help (rye bread? really? I'll have to invest in plain white bread for times like these)- I was desperate at this point.  It was definitely one of the worst nights I've had yet.  My doctor prescribed Protonix today and I'm hoping this will help, I'm getting desperate at this point.  I was very thankful for my hubby who sat up with me for a while and allowed me to take every pillow we own to prop myself up to the ceiling to sleep. 

Moving you can see the blog got a little face lift and I'm hoping you all like it! As promised, there is a twist of DIY and you will see at least a handful of DIY projects coming up soon.  I can't believe there's only about 15 weeks to go before Baby Bird makes her arrival! On to this week's picture:

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain: Around 14 lbs...I need to invest in a scale...I've been walking the puppy a lot so I'm hoping that keeps me in shape over the next 15 weeks
Maternity clothes? Mostly, still a mix of regular clothes and maternity
Stretch marks? Still none yet…still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter 
Sleep: Horrible this week, I'm hoping it gets better again
Best moment this week: Starting to paint the baby's room

Miss Anything? Being able to eat without getting instant heartburn
Movement: Lots of kicks and wiggles...especially during church - she must love the music!
Food cravings: Loving chocolate teddy grahams and fruit mmm
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not especially
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Some minor cramping but nothing that lasts for long periods of time
Belly Button in or out? in...but I have noticed it is coming upwards, so weird!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Trying to enjoy everything but I've been so uncomfortable this week, I've just been a mess
Looking forward to: Finishing up painting the baby's room and hopefully registering for baby goodies soon

Hope you enjoy your week!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baby Bird - 24 Weeks

So I think I'm officially nesting... For the past few days/nights I've been obsessively cleaning and organizing everything I can.  I've been getting the do-you-realize-it's-9-pm-and-you're-scrubbing-the-bathroom-baseboards look from the hubby, who happily took out the garbage and didn't say a word when he saw me dusting and polishing any wood furniture I could get my hands on before bed.  I guess it's a good thing...although is it bad to continue to vacuum rugs until perfect carpet lines are achieved?  Ahh, the little things in life make me happy.  Carpet lines are one of them.  On to this week's picture.  I'm not sure stripes were a good idea, as I'm feeling large and in charge lately.

How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain: Around 14 lbs...yowzaaa
Maternity clothes? Yes because they are much more comfortable than squeezing into my old jeans with a hair tie.  Super excited about my new maternity winter coat...fits so much nicer than my regular sized one
Stretch marks? Still none yet…still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter 
Sleep: Pretty good, considering I slept through most of the time that the electric company cut down a ginormous tree in my front yard this morning
Best moment this week: Cleaning out the nursery, getting ready to paint

Miss Anything? Not ramming my knee on the baby gate we use to keep the puppy out of the bedrooms... apparently my ability to lift my legs higher has now become nonexistent
Movement: Lots of little kicks and wiggles... some days I feel like she's sleeping much more than others, but last night she was a wild little thing
Food cravings: Loving smoothies in the morning... not really feeling like I have to have anything that second though
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've had some sort of cold/sore throat and that's been making me feel somewhat queasy at times
Gender: GIRL & she has a name!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Some back pain but otherwise feeling good
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part!
Looking forward to: Painting the nursery (hopefully) on Friday!

Hope you enjoy your week & thanks for reading!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Baby Bird - 22 & 23 Weeks

Hi there...this week's post is a combined one with both 22 & 23 weeks.  New Year's Eve was fun and low key this champagne over here for a while.  My twin sister is also expecting so it was nice to have someone on the same page.  She's about 7 weeks behind so I'm excited that the babies will be so close in age.  I can't wait to find out what she is having.  On to last week's photo...

I'm a little bummed about how the Instagram photos show up on here...but it still showcases the bump:) And now this week's picture...

I definitely feel like she's grown a lot in there the past week or so because her little kicks are definitely stronger and I can feel them more often.  I don't know about you, but I've always had an irrational fear about squishing her while I'm sleeping or if I haven't felt a kick in a few hours that there's something wrong.  Irrational, yes, but I'm feeling better now that I can feel it more :)

This week's & last week's combined update:

How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain: Around 14 lbs...what?! ok, so ice cream and pasta the night before the drs. appt was prob not my best idea...
Maternity clothes? Definitely loving my maternity jeans because they're much more comfortable that my old jeans...also bought a Spanx type pair of leggings and they are going back was I not ready for the shiny spandex look...woof
Stretch marks? Still none yet…have been using Palmer's Cocoa Butter and that seems to be working nicely as a preventative measure:)
Sleep: Pretty good, still loving my pregnancy pillow...some nights are better than others with being wide awake at 3 a.m.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat again was nice and completing my first diy project for the baby!

Miss Anything? I'd love a sushi date with my college roomie and bestie Teresa
Movement: Definitely more these past two it!
Food cravings: I had to have pasta with lemon sauce the other day...why you ask? so I can eat it before my drs appt and feel like a whale!!! Grrr...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL & she has a name!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Some leg cramps during the night 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy, moody when I'm feeling tired but who isn't?:)
Looking forward to: Posting about my special diy project and starting the nursery!

Have a great weekend!

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