It's Meet & Mingle day! Every week I'm sharing some of my favorite girlfriends and their blogs. This is a great opportunity to see who's "behind the blog" and to get to know other bloggers. Today, I'm so happy to share Amy from Amy Coral Blog with you! Hope you enjoy getting to know her more with all of her answers to some fun behind-the-blog questions!
Your blog name & it’s significance
Hey! I am Amy and I blog over at Amy Coral Blog. My blog name is my first and (one of) my middle names. I wanted something simple and represented me. So Amy Coral Blog was born!
Tell us a little about your family.
I am engaged to the love of my life, Brock. He is the perfect person for me and I adore him immensely. We have two daughters, Kinsey, who will be 4 in September, and Bree who is 3 months old (WHAT?!). Kinsey is what you would call a "threenager"; full of attitude and challenging us on a daily basis. But she is an awesome little firecracker. Bree is easy-going like her daddy and I can't wait to see her little personality grow! I am the oldest of four kids and we live right around the corner from my parents!
Currently in my shower [favorite beauty products]...
Honestly, my shower is so boring. I don't use anything special. I keep it simple with Herbal Essences, Proactiv, and Dove soap. I use grapefruit essential oil in the shower every day so I guess that would be my favourite.
I never leave the house without...
My iPhone, wallet, kids (haha, I did have to throw the obvious in there), diaper bags, snacks and water.
First thing you do when you have 5 minutes to yourself.
Enjoy the silence. Before I had two littles, I never fully appreciated the sound of silence. Now sitting in silence is a much deserved treat!
Favorite cupcake
Let's be honest here, I won't turn down any kind of cupcake.
Top three baby items you’d recommend to new moms.
These Aden and Anais swaddles. We were gifted ours and I am totally in love with the colours, a house cleaner for the first few months, and COFFEE.
Currently obsessed with…
I have a lot of obsessions. With a two month old, sleep is my current obsession. ;)
But actually if I think about it, lately I have been obsessed with Instagram. I am constantly on there schooling through my feed for any kind of inspiration. There are a lot of amazing people on there!
Top three meals you make for your family.
Meatloaf, spaghetti, and balsamic chicken. All so easy and favourites around here!
Favorite blog & why.
I would have to say either Little Baby Garvin. She writes about motherhood on such a relatable level, and her posts and pictures are always creative, fun and inspiring. I also love Tawnya over at Little Adventures Blog. She's real, inspiring, and such a nice girl that you can't help but like her.
Social media links:
Instagram: amycoral
Facebook: AmyCoralBlog
Twitter: amycoral
Pinterest: amycoralxo
Thank you so much for sharing a slice of your life with us, Amy! I just love learning about who's behind the fun, right?! Be sure to pop over to her blog and visit her social media links and follow along!
If you'd like to be featured for a Meet & Mingle, please contact me at Feel free to grab a button while you're here. ;)