Thursday, April 30, 2015

Olivia is TWO!!

{Number shirt: c/o The Blue Envelope}

I cannot believe Olivia is TWO! These past two years have literally flown before my eyes.  From a sweet, rambunctious baby to a now sweet, sensitive, smart toddler she is just everything to me.  She fills our days with laughter and adds a touch of toddler craziness to our lives.  She's so sweet and loving and so hilarious! I can't imagine my life without her!  

{First birthday stats}


Height: 32" (approx. - we'll find out exact at Dr. next week)

Weight: 23.6 lbs. 

Favorite foods:  Butter, olives, fruit, pasta, and cheese

Hilarious phrases: "Oh my gosh!", "Dirty rat!", "Mo' tea Mommy!", "I con't" (from Frozen), "I did this" (I want to see this/ I want do this), "Hot tea mo' O's" (Warm milk & Cheerios) 

Funny words: Vivia (Olivia), Bubber (butter), BB (Brynnie), tea (milk), gawgies (doggies), O's (Cheerios), caulk (chalk), Papis (Penelopes), Bapa (Harper), valk (walk), vet (wet), guckies (cookies), bus! (truck) 

Favorite Activities: Bubbles, going for walks, painting, shopping, reading with Daddy, Play Doh, stickers, Library time, singing and dancing - especially to Taylor Swift and singing "Wheels on the bus", color sorting & singing the ABC's

She's talking so much and definitely repeats us all day.  It's also super fun when I whisper something to her and she can actually go tell the person what I said.  Case in point:  I gave her two Oreos, one for her and one for Daddy.  She came back and I asked her who ate her cookies.  She replied "Daddy."  So I said "that dirty rat!"... She goes downstairs and says "Daddy, dirty rat!" We almost died laughing.  Now whenever someone asks where her cookies went she says Daddy dirty rat! She's the funniest little thing.  She also requests ice cubes all the time saying "eyebow" for apparently the one time she got a boo boo on her eyebrow ;) 

She makes the funniest faces, her signature being a "cheeeese" face and a scowl learned from Daddy. She's a chapstick addict and will smack her lips to anyone with a tube of it ;) She's super polite, always saying "peas", "tank you", and "no tank you" - without prompting, which makes me so proud.  The "no tank you" is often used when being asked to finish her meal or come inside ;) 

Pretty sure every toddler picture is slightly blurry - why stay still, right? ;) 

More outtakes of our "two" photo session ;)...

The night before her birthday, I set up her gifts downstairs in our playroom and I was so excited for her to see everything!  I made the teepee for her (after hours of sewing and getting the poles to cooperate!) and we also gave her a few smaller gifts as well.   If you remember, I shared that on Christmas morning I set up her Kid Kraft kitchen and could hardly wait for her to see it.  She ended up walking up to it and saying, "No Mommy."  Oh toddlers ;) She loves it now but I still remember that.  That being said, I didn't have huge hopes for the excitement factor, just incase she did that again, but she loved it!  She climbed right in and was so excited! I'll have a full tutorial up on the teepee soon.  

We started her birthday with some fun waffles & grapefruit on the side...beary cute, I think ;)

Now onto more pictures from our park picnic & playground fun! Brynnie & my sister came with us and the girls had a blast! 

After the park, Olivia went down for a long nap while I baked these cupcakes.  Then we went outside when she woke up and played with bubbles, chalk and went on our swings! We had a sweet little pizza party for her at my sister's and opened gifts and blew out some candles ;)  

It was such a great day and I hope she enjoyed herself.  It's so fun to be TWO! Have a great day, my friends! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

BBQ Favorites || Entrees, Sides, and fun BBQ Tools

I love Sundays and I love big family barbecues.  Once the warmer weather hits, our dinners are mostly based around the grill - also read as I don't need to cook ;) I love to make yummy sides and enjoy the fresh air.  Olivia is crazy about bubbles and that keeps her busy on the patio while I'm getting things ready to eat.  We searched Pinterest for some homemade bubble ideas and honestly the best ones were dish soap and water! Daddies are the best at making homemade bubble wands ;)

Here are some yummy recipes that I wanted to share with you...

One of my favorite sides is grilled pineapple! I just bought this pineapple corer after seeing them use it on The Kitchen and it is seriously amazing.  I'm never cutting another pineapple again without this.  Not only is it super inexpensive but it also makes perfect rings - would be perfect for a party. It's the little things right?  I definitely recommend this tool. 


I love pasta salad and it's so easy to make.  I normally throw a mix of olives, roasted peppers, artichokes, fresh parsley and basil, and whatever pasta you have together and toss it with a fresh vinaigrette or in a pinch I love Ken's honey balsamic dressing.  I also love grilled veggies, shrimp, or chicken if you're making it as the main dish.  Feta and fresh mozzarella are also great additions. 

{Source: The Pioneer Woman}

This grilled zucchini is so yummy.  I love lemon dishes and this one does not disppoint.  Pioneer Woman recipes are my many yummy ones! This lemon zucchini is light and a great side for BBQs. 

{Source: Skinnytaste}

Shrimp skewers are my favorite and then pair it with lime...amazing.  These Grilled Cilantro Lime Shrimp Skewers look so good! Can't wait to try that recipe.  

A few other sides that I love to make include this cucumber salad - super fresh and vinegary, and grilled bread.  This grilled bread with feta and herb butter is definitely going on the next BBQ menu.  

What are some of your favorite BBQ foods?  Do you have a signature side? Please share! ;) XOXO 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hump Day Highlights || Beach Edition


Hi Friends! It's another Hump Day Highlights - this week's edition is all about beach picks for little ones! Every Wednesday five other mommas and I list some things from the past week that we are loving, can't live without, are on our wishlists, or are things we are just plain obsessed with - and we will even add links so you can check out or scoop up anything you love, too. 

Your weekly hosts are MistyAprilShannonAmandaDanica, and me! We would love for you to add your post to our link up of the things you are loving this week, too. And please spread the love by following the other blogs in the link up/commenting on their posts. This is such a great way to meet like-minded mamas and make new friends, all while showing off your blog, too. The Hump Day Highlights weekly link up is going to be a blast, I hope you link up and follow along!

Our weather has been so gorgeous lately! Minus some rain, but spring rain isn't so bad ;)  My mind has been on summer and I've been searching for some cute beach gear for Olivia.  Last year, she had just turned one and wasn't a fan of the sand or ocean.  This year, I think she'll have a blast in the water!  Here are some of my favorite picks for a fun day at the beach! 

{From Macy's}

1.  This swimsuit from Macy's was one of my top picks for Livvy because it comes with the rash guard, which is great for keeping her fair skin less exposed.    There are so many cute styles of bathing suits out there but I also can't resist anything with polka dots so it's a win win. I also love this one from Carter's.  I love the eyelet look so that one may be jumping into my shopping cart as well.

{From Baby Gap}

2. Jelly Sandals.  Seriously, how cute?!  I love these and they're perfect for a day at the beach or hanging around playing outside.  I love the gold glitter style as well. 

{From Old Navy}

3.  I love sun hats on babies! There's something so sweet, yet totally functional about sun hats.  I love this lilac sun hat from Old Navy.  This also comes in pink and white, but the lilac is just so pretty- one of my favorite colors! 

{From Baby Gap}

4.  These fish sunglasses are so adorable and I love the mint color.  There are so many cute styles from hearts to stars to apples.  All so sweet! Livvy loves wearing her "eyes" ;) She requests them when we're at the park, in the car, or strolling around in the stroller.  That little girlfriend is stylin. 

That's it for my top beach picks this week! Do you have any favorite beach accessories for your little ones?  Any great picks for mamas? I'd love to hear! 

If you haven't entered the #twosweetgiveaway yet, be sure to enter by 11:59pm EST tonight!! So many great prizes from amazing shops! ENTER GIVEAWAY HERE

See you next Wednesday for more Hump Day Highlights! Click the next blog in the link up to head over and see their favorites, and don't forget to link up your blog below.  Grab our graphic, link back to one, some or all of us and add your link below! Also, follow along on Instagram (@thebirdsnestblog) #humpdayhighlights 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekend Fun || Toddler Tales

Hi friends! Hope you had a great weekend. Our weather was gorgeous so we spent plenty of time outside.  As soon as Olivia wakes up she asks for chalk and bubbles.  "Mo' caulk and bubbles Mommy!" is now the morning wake up call ;) This chalk is our favorite to draw both outside on the sidewalk and inside on our chalkboard wall.  The colors are bright and the sticks are square, perfect for not rolling down the driveway 8476 times.  

{Chalk Yoga}

My sister and I frequently babysit for each other so one of us has both girls for a few hours at a time during the week.  I've been looking for a double stroller for a while because it would be much easier when we're out with both of them.  I found a Graco Sit and Stand at our friend's yard sale and I was excited to try it out with the girls.  Probably should have waited until after nap time.  Let's just say it was a disaster ;) Olivia was crying because she wanted to "valk"and once Brynn realized that Livvy was walking it was all over.  We ended up taking the stroller back to the car (we went walking in the park) and with both girls screaming and crying, we decided to let them run free and explore.  Sometimes you just need to let it go and look for some "panes!" Airplane watching is much more fun than exercise ;) 

Sunday was slightly cooler, but the sun was still shining - such a nice change from the longest winter ever! My little peanut has super fair skin so I'm always nervous about her getting burned.  We love this sunscreen from Babyganics and I think I need to get her this eyelet sunhat from Old Navy.  Babies in sunhats = adorable.  

I cannot believe that picture above was almost a year ago! I seriously need to get planning on Olivia's birthday party! One week from tomorrow, she'll be TWO!! So crazy how time flies!  

Join me back here for another Hump Day Highlights edition on Wednesday and don't forget to enter our GIVEAWAY!! If you haven't entered yet, head over to this post to enter! So many fun prizes from great shops!  Winner will be announced Thursday, April 23. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"Two" Sweet GIVEAWAY!

I am so excited to announce the start of our "Two" Sweet Giveaway! Olivia is turning two in less than two weeks and I couldn't think of a better way to kick off this exciting countdown than to share some amazing shops with you! 

One lucky winner will receive the following:

One number shirt from The Blue Envelope
One wooden fire pit from BYOImagination
One 5x7 watercolor painting from Emerson Color Co. 
One felt headband from Little Miss Athena 
One Latchy Catchy
$20 shop credit to Max Moccs
$15 shop credit to Life with Peanut
$15 shop credit to Mas Production Arts

To enter, complete the Gleam entry form below.  Giveaway ends April 22 at 11:59PM.  Winner will be contacted via email.  Entries will be triple checked.  For extra entries, head over to my Instagram (must be a follower to enter contest) and repost the above image/giveaway image on Instagram and tag with #twosweetgiveaway and tag @thebirdsnestblog. Winner must be 13+ years of age, if you are not a resident of the United States and are the chosen winner, you may need to pay shipping fees. GOOD LUCK!! XOXO

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Hump Day Highlights || Organization Edition


Hi Friends! It's another Hump Day Highlights - this week's edition is all about organization! Every Wednesday five other mommas and I list some things from the past week that we are loving, can't live without, are on our wishlists, or are things we are just plain obsessed with - and we will even add links so you can check out or scoop up anything you love, too. 

Your weekly hosts are MistyAprilShannonAmandaDanica, and me! We would love for you to add your post to our link up of the things you are loving this week, too. And please spread the love by following the other blogs in the link up/commenting on their posts. This is such a great way to meet like-minded mamas and make new friends, all while showing off your blog, too. The Hump Day Highlights weekly link up is going to be a blast, I hope you link up and follow along!
Organization is something I think we all need in our lives.  It brings calmness and clear spaces equals a clear mind for me. I'd love to say I'm super organized and my house is always clean and tidy but that's far from the truth.  With a toddler, husband, dog and cat - and myself but I don't count because I clean it all up;) - it's really hard to keep a consistently clean and organized home.  I really do enjoy cleaning (I know that's weird!) but it brings me peace and I feel calmer when everything is in it's place. This past week I found some great pins on Pinterest so I thought I'd put together an organization post to give myself some inspiration...and hopefully you'll feel inspired too! 


I love to organize Olivia's toys and I frequently switch them in and out to keep her interest.  Her puzzles were always bothering me because pieces would be all over the place and missing.  For each puzzle, I took out all of the pieces and put them in a plastic bag.  Now whenever she wants to do a puzzle, she grabs the board and the bag that goes with it.  Simple, right?!  Definitely saves the missing piece headache ;)

{Source: Julie Blanner}

Julie Blanner is one of my favorite bloggers.  Are you a reader of hers? If not, it's a must - so inspiring. Isn't her kitchen gorgeous?  Creating a pretty,  yet functional and organized space is my main goal for my kitchen. This kitchen is super functional and inspires me to use every inch of my cabinets! I really like how she hung her mixing tools on the cabinet door. I also have the gallon jars from Target for my sugar and flour and they're pretty on the counter.  

{Source: The DIY Playbook}

I've seen this pin quite a few times and I'm loving how its rustic and pretty, yet fully functional.  It's a cute way to keep those toiletry items organized.  I especially love the brush area, as Olivia is always stealing my makeup brushes to play with.  It would keep those away from little hands ;) 

{Source: Lovely Crafty Home}

This is probably the one organization item that I need the most: a command center. I've tried quite a few different things to organize our mail, bills, receipts, etc. Nothing has worked for me!  I'm a true piler (i.e. I move this neat pile to the next area and create another neat pile).  I mean my mom is normally horrified at the one section of our kitchen that mail, keys, random chapstick, paint brushes(?!) is dumped onto. That being said, this command center looks simple and easy to maintain so I think I'll try it. Do you have any mail/command center tips? Please share!

Another one of my favorite bloggers is Molly from Stilettos & Diapers and I love her meal planning techniques.  I really need to start meal planning more.  It helps to save money and definitely helps reduce the "what's for dinner?!" stress.    I think meal planning also inspires me to cook different meals and not get in a rut.  Don't ask my hubby how many times we had chili this winter ;) Something as simple as taking the time to organize your meals really worth it.  

*Be sure to check back at noon EST to enter my "Two" Sweet GIVEAWAY!! So many fun prizes and one winner takes all!!

That's it for me this week! I hope my Hump Day Highlights inspire you to organize your home!  Do you have a tried and true organization technique that you'd love to share?  What has worked the best for you in your own home? 

See you next Wednesday for more Hump Day Highlights! Click the next blog in the link up to head over and see their favorites, and don't forget to link up your blog below.  Grab our graphic, link back to one, some or all of us and add your link below! Also, follow along on Instagram (@thebirdsnestblog) #humpdayhighlights 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Olivia's Wishlist || Second Birthday

1 2 3 4 5 6

I cannot believe Olivia will be two at the end of the month! Time is flying by!  The saying really is true that these years go so fast.  I always want her to think of her birthday as a magical day so I made a fun little wish list of some things I think she may like. 

My husband and I are making her a teepee, which I think she will love!  I'll have a full tutorial up once it's all finished.  I can't wait to see her face when she sees it.  The teepee above is similar to the set up of ours and I love that floral pattern.  She is so busy all the time so I know she would love some toddler activity sets, such as this color sorting mat.  It's also a great size to throw in the diaper bag to bring to church, restaurants, car rides...perfect for keeping little minds thinking and little hands busy.  I also love everything we have from BYOImagination, and these popsicles are the cutest! Perfect for summer play in her kitchen. 

Fact: My toddler is addicted to chapstick.  I've mentioned before that she constantly asks for chapstick during the day and has learned to unzip all of my bags to reach in and grab her own.  I love the idea of these toddler safe chapsticks from Messy Little Smiles.  Ingredients such as coconut oil, strawberry juice and essential oils would definitely make her more at ease with her using them, especially since she tends to sneak in some licks ;) 

I've heard so many great things about the book, I Had a Favorite Dress so this is definitely on her birthday list. She loves to read and I think this book will be really fun for her. She loves to play with bracelets and jewelry so I know she'll love dressing up after reading this with her.

She loves stickers and these reusable stickers from Melissa & Doug are brilliant.  My mom has some for her at her house and Livvy loves to play with them.  It's also especially nice that these don't stick to the floors, couch, walls, etc...ahem incase that ever happens in anyone else's house... 

What would be on your toddler's wish list? I'd love some more ideas;) XO

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